Connecting  visionaries, driving change.

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

-African Proverb
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BEWCA strives to be an African-centered community organization, using a collaborative governance model and consensus process for decision making. Our collective approach utilizes the executive steering committee ESC, a coalition team of professional experts, partners,  consultants and volunteers brings a holistic perspective that focuses on the community over individuals. This community oriented mindset is a prerequisite that enables participants to come together to achieve the mission of BEWCA.
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The "BEWCA Way" embodies the power of collective work through Harambee Circles, a culturally inspired and sacred space designed to unite Coalition Partners and community allies to address specific community challenges. These circles foster meaningful dialogue, build trust, and amplify a united voice to develop actions to address critical priorities identified by the community and Coalition Partners for the Black community.

Harambee Circles

A cornerstone of BEWCA’s approach, bringing together a diverse brain trust of expertise, resources, and shared commitment. Within this space, every voice is heard, trust is cultivated, and a collaborative process transforms ideas into actionable plans.
BEWCA unites coalition, community, and funding partners to advance economic equity, ensuring fair distribution of wealth and resources. Through this unique and empowering model, BEWCA and its partners are driving solutions for the betterment of the Black community, ensuring impactful change through unity, deliberation, and action.

Coalition Partners

Our Coalition Partners are Black-own or Black led business or nonprofit entities servicing the Greater Akron / Summit County area. Their mission, purpose, goals and objectives are aligned with BEWCA. Coalition Partners agree to engage in collective work planning and implementation, and use the BEWCA Value System (the Nguzo Saba) to guide and govern their interactions and communication.

Funding Partners

 Funding partners provide financial support, contributing resources alongside others to assist BEWCA in achieving its mission. Additionally, our funding partners bring added value through expertise, networks, or in-kind support.
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Community Partners

Community partners refer to strategic alliances formed between various local organizations, businesses, or individuals to achieve a common goal that benefits the community. BEWCA Partners are formal alliances who sign a Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement. Informal Partners may simply provide a letter of support. 

BEWCA Value System The Nguzo Saba

The set of principles that undergird the integrity of the Black Economic and Wellness Coalition of Akron’s  collective work is the Nguzo Saba
  • Umoja (oo-MO-jah): UnityTo strive for and maintain unity in the family, community, nation and race. Unity stresses the importance of togetherness for the family and the community, which is reflected in the African saying, “I am We,” or “I am because We are.”
  • Kujichagulia (KOO-jee-chah-GOO-lee-ah): Self-determination. To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves and speak for ourselves. Self-Determination requires that we define our common interests and make decisions that are in the best interest of our family and community.
  • Ujima (oo-JEE-mah): Collective Work and Responsibility. To build and maintain our community together and to make our Brother’s and sister’s problems, our problems and to solve them together. Collective Work and Responsibility reminds us of our obligation to the past, present and future, and that we have a role to play in the community, society, and world.
  • Ujamaa (oo-jah-MAH-ah): Cooperative Economics. To build and maintain our own stores, shops and other businesses and to profit from them together. Cooperative economics emphasizes our collective economic strength and encourages us to meet common needs through mutual support.
  • Nia (NEE-ah): Purpose. To make as our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness. Purpose encourages us to look within ourselves and to set personal goals that are beneficial to the community.
  • Kuumba (koo-OOM-bah): Creativity. To do always as much as we can, in the way that we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful than when we inherited it. Creativity makes use of our creative energies to build and maintain a strong and vibrant community.
  • Imani (ee-MAH-nee): Faith. To believe with all our hearts in our parents, our teachers, our leaders, our people and the righteousness and victory of our struggle. Faith focuses on honoring the best of our traditions, draws upon the best in ourselves, and helps us strive for a higher level of life for humankind, by affirming our self-worth and confidence in our ability to succeed and triumph in righteous struggle


The symbols represent the seven principles. 
Umoja (oo-MO-jah)
Kujichagulia (KOO-jee-chah-GOO-lee-ah)
(Self Determination)
Ujima (oo-JEE-mah)
(Collective Work and Responsibility)
Ujamaa (oo-jah-MAH-ah)
(Cooperative Economics)
Nia (NEE-ah)
Kuumba (koo-OOM-bah)
Imani (ee-MAH-nee)

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